Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Corporate Governance | Case/Opinion | Comply and Explain OR Comply or Else?

Do you think corporate governance should be enforced through the “comply and explain” model or the “comply or else” model? Explain your answer.

Student responses will vary. 

The “comply and explain” model gives corporations the benefit of the doubt and allows them to explain why they are not complying. 

The “comply or else” model is a much stricter model in which corporations are, essentially threatened to comply or face stiff financial penalties for not being in compliance.

Please state your opinion .....

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

1 comment:

  1. Adriel Evan Widjaja / 09130110104

    Saya memilih pendekatan model "comply and explain" karena mungkin saja di suatu perusahaan ada aturan yang tidak sesuai dengan kode etik yang berlaku di suatu daerah atau etika yang kita percaya dalam diri kita sendiri. Karena pada dasarnya corporate governance memang ingin menciptakan iklim kepercayaan dan kejujuran serta mengembangkan budaya terbuka untuk perbedaan pendapat, maka pendekatan "comply and explain" yang saya pilih untuk kasus ini.
