Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Making it Stick | Why has the increased attention to corporate scandals proven to be something of a mixed blessing?

Why has the increased attention to corporate scandals proven to be something of a mixed blessing?

On the one hand, the average investor can be forgiven for thinking that the business world is full of crooks whose only purpose is to make as much money as possible. Problems with product quality, poor customer service, and fraudulent financial reports with no admission of guilt paint a very negative picture. The response to this negative picture has been the creation of new rules and tighter controls that now represent a greater risk for organizations who fail to comply with the expected standard of behavior. On the other hand, ethics has become an issue that also positively impacts the business world. This sense of value results in increased commitment and reduced turnover, which means greater profits for the company.

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Making it Stick | What is the role of ethics officer and what message does it convey to stakeholders?

What is the role of ethics officer and what message does it convey to stakeholders?

The hiring of an ethics officer represents a formal commitment to the management and leadership of an organization's ethics program. The role usually develops as a separate department, responsible for enforcing the code of ethics and for providing support to any employees who witness unethical behavior. It sends a clear message to an organization's stakeholders and provides an appropriate person to whom employees and managers can when they need additional guidance and support.

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Blowing the Whistle | How can a whistleblower hotline be effective?

How can a whistleblower hotline be effective? Explain.

For a whistleblower hotline to be effective trust must exist between employees and the employer. This trust means that the information can be given anonymously and without fear of retaliation, even if the identity of the whistleblower is revealed during the investigation. The organization can make all the promises in the world, but until that first report is completely and thoroughly investigated, the hotline may never ring again.

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Blowing the Whistle | What factors can make a whistleblower lose legitimacy in the eyes of viewers?

What factors can make a whistleblower lose legitimacy in the eyes of viewers?

If there is evidence that the employee is motivated by the opportunity for financial gain or media attention, or that the employee is carrying out an individual vendetta against the company, then the legitimacy of the employee's whistle-blowing must be questioned.

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Making it Stick | Provide three examples of unethical behavior by a customer and a supplier

Provide three examples of unethical behavior by a customer and a supplier.

  1. At a department store swapping a used piece of good with a brand new item.
  2. Telling the cashier you gave him a $20 when you really gave him a $10 and you want the rest of your change back.
  3. Wearing a new piece of clothing keeping the tags on it knowing you will return it after you have worn it.

  1. Having sweat shops in international countries to create profit maximization.
  2. Selling an item that is a defective product.
  3. False advertising

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Making it Stick | Case / Opinion | Code of Ethics 1986

Code of Ethics 1986

Your company wrote its code of ethics in 1986.  

You have been assigned to a team that has been tasked with updating the code to make it more representative of current business ethics issues like the Internet and modern business technology. 

What are your recommendations?

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

Making it Stick | Case / Opinion | Team Representative

Team Representative

You have been asked to join a team as a representative of your department.  

The team has been tasked with the development of an ethics training program to support the company’s new code of ethics.  

What would your recommendations be?

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e