Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Blowing the Whistle | Discuss both positive and the negative views of whistleblowers in the media

Discuss both positive and the negative views of whistleblowers in the media. 

How do you view whistleblowers?

One could argue that whistleblowers provide an invaluable service to their organizations and to the general public. The discovery of illegal activities before the situation is revealed to the media could potentially save organizations millions of dollars in fines and lost revenue from the inevitable damage to their corporate reputation. However, in contrast to the general perception that whistleblowers are brave men and women putting their careers and personal lives at in order to "do the right thing," some feel that whistleblowers are motivated by money or personal egos. 

Student responses will vary on the second part of the question. 

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e

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