Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ethics & Technology | Case / Opinion | Telecommuting


If you had a chance to work from home and telecommute, would you take it?  

If the opportunity meant that you had to allow your company to monitor every call on your phone and every keystroke on your computer, would you still take it?  

Explain why or why not.

Ghillyer_Business Ethics A Real World Approach 2e


  1. I wouldn't take it because if the company monitor every call on my phone and every keystroke on my computer, they take my privacy. In my opinion, privacy is a basic human need; it is well-known. Although privacy as a “right” is debatable but I think... I have privacy as my right.

  2. Saya akan tetap ambil pekerjaan tersebut kalau saya sudah cocok. Menurut saya, tiap pilihan pasti ada resiko. Asal perusahaan sudah memberi tahu peraturan tersebut untuk mencari cara agar saya tetap mendapatkan privasi saya dan pekerjaan saya, misalnya saya dapat membedakan antara gadget untuk kerja dan untuk pribadi.
